los angeles Water Intrusion Experts

Rain Leak Detection Specialist Testing Company

Our forensic testing division is comprised of highly experienced and laboratory trained water intrusion specialists serving Los Angeles, Greater LA and Orange County.  This specialized test unit is focused on finding rain related water intrusion and moisture leakage in buildings.  It's why we are the Los Angeles Water Intrusion Experts. Water Intrusion Inspection.


Is there a Water Intrusion Specialist in Los Angeles that can test and locate rain leaks in my Building or Home?

Yes, and you found us! If you own a Los Angeles area building that is experiencing water intrusion, moisture infiltration, or other rain related moisture problems that include water damage to interior surfaces whenever the rains come, then you have called the right water intrusion testing company to help.  

Xpress Testing is one of LA's premier water intrusion experts here in Los Angeles for rain leak detection, which is focused on finding exterior waterproofing failures.  We provide quick reporting and specialized water leak investigation services for locating water intrusion and rain leaks around windows, doors, decks, walls, and other adjacent exterior construction.


As water intrusion specialists here in Los Angeles, we are very methodical in our investigation process.  We follow industry approved ASTM Guidelines, and ensure that we perform testing in a scientific process that involves testing, step-by-step, at various exterior locations of the building in question in order to replicate the known water intrusion and then identify where the rain related water leak and moisture intrusion is originating from.   


What Qualifications Does a Water Intrusion Expert in Rain Leak Detection Have?

 Our team has over 20+ years of combined industry experience in Forensic Testing for Water Intrusion as it relates to active rain related water leaks. Simply put, we understand how water intrusion travels and migrates through a building because we get to see firsthand how buildings are constructed in both a laboratory setting and in the field as the building structure is going up.


Our leadership and test professionals also work closely with Recognized Industry Leaders like Fenestration Testing Lab that are ISO 17025 Accredited for this type of testing as well as FGIA (AAMA) Accredited to test and rate products and systems such as windows, doors, and the adjacent wall and deck construction those products integrate into for Air Leakage, Water Penetration Resistance and Structural Loads.


How is Xpress Testing different from other Water Intrusion Testing Companies? 

Well, as mentioned above, first and foremost our Test Managers are all Laboratory Trained and Certified Test Specialists.   We maintain our education & training from key trade partners who are ISO 17025 Accredited Test Agencies.  That means our education, training, and test equipment is up-to-date and traceable.  That provides you, the client, with peace of mind that we are capable of providing the best service possible.  This is especially critical if your project ends up in court.  However, if you want the highest level of performance traceability we recommend you work with the company that the test professionals turn to: Fenestration Testing Laboratory.


In addition, we are true and unbiased water intrusion test professionals acting as an independent third party only.  We are not Contractors self performing tests and then providing you with repair recommendations, nor do we treat your project as anything less than what it is, a serious matter that deserves a full time commitment from a team of Los Angeles based Water Intrusion Experts.


What is the Cost for Water Intrusion Testing in Los Angeles and the Greater LA area?

Water intrusion testing in Los Angeles, which may involve a variety of water leak detection methods, can have a very wide range of costs depending on your unique situation and exact geographic location.  Most companies in Los Angeles that provide water intrusion testing or moisture intrusion investigative services will charge a flat fee (or daily rate) that is inclusive of testing and reporting.  There can certainly be some some exceptions, however, so email us for more information or START HERE to submit a quote inquiry.

With that said, there are really too many job site variables to provide an exact number without discussing the project in more depth and possibly performing an on site test consultation to better evaluate what your best course of action may be.

In some instances construction defects or waterproofing failures are obvious and don't require testing.  In other cases the price of water intrusion testing may be more costly than the repair itself.  In such instances it is better to simply remove and replace damaged areas with your CA State Licensed Contractor.  

​What are some of the variables that affect the Cost and Pricing of Water Intrusion Testing and Moisture Rain Leak Detection here in Los Angeles?  

  • 1.) The specific type of water intrusion and moisture damage you are experiencing.  

  • 2.) Total quantity of water leaks that need to be tested.  The more leaks that need to be investigated increases the time it takes to test and source the point or water intrusion.  Finding and sourcing one (1) leak at a small project located at ground level will normally takes less time than finding say twenty (20) water leaks on a larger multi-story building with the leaks spread across different elevations and floor levels. 
  • 3.) Accessibility of the water leak areas at both interior and exterior locations.  Difficult accessibility increases costs to set up access equipment.
  • 4.) The number of test personnel needed or requested.  In some instances clients want us to bring an army of test personnel to the job site so water intrusion testing and reporting can be expedited in a shortened time period.  This is a solution for increased test productivity, but those additional human resources, materials and special requests bring increased pricing.  
  • 5.) Does any speciality equipment need to be ordered for the test?  (i.e.- aerial lifts, scaffolding set up, swing staging, etc.)
  • 6.) Does the test crew need to bring extra equipment for increased test productivity or capacity?  If so, extra test equipment will increase costs which is a consideration that may, or may not, be an option for you.  Normally our water intrusion specialist team will only bring extra equipment when a special request is put in by the client for additional personnel to shorten the testing period for large scale commercial projects.
  • 7.) Geographic region.  If you are not located in a major metropolitan area of Los Angeles or any of the Greater LA suburbs (like Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Studio City, Encino, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Century City, Culver City, Venice, Manhattan Beach, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, etc.) then testing may cost more to dispatch a test crew to your project.
  • 8.) Is your project currently in a lawsuit or heading towards litigation?  If so, then your project shall require require an Expert Witness and we recommend contacting Fenestration Testing Laboratory that has a team of Expert Witnesses ready to assist (all of whom are certified water intrusion experts as it relates to fenestration products and systems, windows, doors, and the wall systems those products integrate into).

What is the Test for Water Intrusion in Los Angeles for Leaky Buildings?

In some form another it will be a water intrusion test to source your active water leak, but in order to make a determination as to exactly what is the best course of action our Water Intrusion Experts must first carefully perform an interior visual inspection of all the water intrusion areas in addition to checking for moisture damage.  The ASTM E2128 guideline is also a valuable resource we understand, follow, and incorporate into our testing process.  

While on site, our forensic team also analyzes exterior conditions of the building to check for accessibility.  With that data and information now gathered we can then rapidly create and deploy an effective test plan for the day, or multiple days if the project is very large and complex.

Once a test plan is ready our team of Water Intrusion Experts and Test Specialists start by using our Lab Calibrated Test Equipment such as Rain Simulators, Wind Simulators, Spray Rack Systems and other Spray Wand and Spray Gun Devices to test, investigate and source the origin of the known water leakage that is occurring to interior surfaces of the property in question.


Is there a Device that can Detect Water Intrusion Leaks behind my Walls here in Los Angeles?

Unfortunately for you, there isn't a magic wand that we can waive to see through your walls like something in a Sci-Fi movie, however, we do have tools and methods at our disposal that can assist in sourcing active water intrusion in your building.   

The good news for you though is that we do utilize infrared thermal technology (which is just a scientific term to say we use infrared camera systems to scan interior walls as a non-destructive means to detect potential moisture or water intrusion).  We do that by using our infrared cameras and interpreting live action thermal images during water intrusion testing to identify what we classify as thermal anomalies (which are potential locations of moisture and/or water intrusion).  As trained water intrusion experts, we know how to follow a science based test process and effectively apply this infrared technology in combination with our exterior water spray equipment to test in a manner that is as effective as possible.  The infrared images help us to see what the naked eye cannot and is excellent in helping to identify potential water intrusion behind your walls.  Now keep in mind, this is only a helpful tool and non-destructive testing may not always yield the desired outcome.  With that said, you must be prepared to open up walls in order to find water leakage and get more definitive results.


What is Rain Related Water Intrusion in a Building in Los Angeles? 

Rain related water intrusion, whether it is in Los Angeles or any other city in the United States, is defined as water leakage to an interior surface of a building (commercial or residential), that originates from a façade waterproofing failure.  The façade, or exterior building envelope, consists of those products, components, and systems that create the outer protective layer designed to keep a building watertight.  

What Areas of the Building are Tested for Water Intrusion and Rain Leak Detection in Los Angeles:

What are the 3 (three) main types of Building Water Intrusion?

  1. WALL LEAKS.  #1 on our list is the first major type of building water intrusion, and that is from the wall assemblies.  Exterior walls have a very high probability of allowing water intrusion into your building or home due to the fact they make up so much of a building's vertical square footage that is exposed to the natural elements.  Walls can have moisture infiltration and water leakage from stucco cracks, brick and block mortar joints, concrete cracks, failed siding, and other adjacent construction products and systems such as decks and roof transition points.
  2. FENESTRATION LEAKS (Windows and Doors).  Fenestration is just a fancy way to say openings in a wall system, which is essentially your window and door openings.  This also includes skylights, storefronts, curtain walls, window walls, etc.  These fenestration products rank #2 on the list of guilty suspects when it comes to causing water intrusion.  If the window and door products are not installed correctly perimeter water intrusion leaks can occur where the installation transitions into the wall.  In addition, many products can either arrive defective or get damaged during transport or at the actual job site which later becomes your problem when it rains.
  3. FLAT ROOFS.  Coming in at #3 are flat (low sloped) roofs.  Often times these roofing systems do not have adequate drainage and have many penetrations from HVAC systems, Solar Panels, and Other Products and Components that pierce the waterproofing layer and cause active water intrusion into your building structure whenever it rains.

Water Intrusion Specialist, water intrusion expert, water intrusion specialists, ASTM E1105, ASTM E1105 Los Angeles, building leak detection, thermography, ASTM E2128, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills Leak Detection, Bel Air, Orange County, Rain Leak Detection, Water Leak Forensics, Pacific Palisades Leak Detection,
water intrusion specialist, water intrusion specialist Los Angeles, building leak detection, destructive testing, water intrusion expert, wall rain leaks, window water leak, beverly hills leak detection, rain leak detection
water intrusion specialist, Los Angeles Water Intrusion Infrared Thermography Scan, Water Intrusion, Moisture Inspection, Water Intrusion Expert, Los Angeles Water Intrusion Expert
Water Intrusion Specialist, Water Intrusion Expert, Los Angeles, ASTM E1105, AAMA 501.2, AAMA 503, Rain Leak Detection
water intrusion specialist, ASTM E1105, E1105, Spray Rack, water intrusion expert, Los Angeles, window leak, wall leak
Water intrusion specialist, rain leak detection, building leak detection, Los Angeles Water Intrusion Specialist, Rain Leak Detection, Infrared Scan, IR, thermography, Los Angeles Thermography Expert, Moisture Intrusion IR Scan