ASTM E1105 Test Method
Los Angeles | San Francisco | San Diego | AZ + NV
The Xpress Testing field testing division is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA and also provides ASTM E1105 testing services through regional support teams based in San Francisco, San Diego, Orange County, and other major cities throughout California.
In short, the ASTM E1105 water test is a field simulated wind driven rain event, that is performed by lab trained Test Specialists, to check and test a window or door product's ability to resist water penetration (or water intrusion). This entire process is performed under very strict and controlled parameters, is extremely scientific, and requires specialized knowledge in how to properly operate the Calibrated and Traceable Test Equipment.
The ASTM E1105 is the Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure.
What is the Full Scope of the ASTM E1105 Test Method?
This test methodology details how to determine a product's ability to resist water penetration to interior surfaces of a building or home. This is achieved by applying a known volume of water, at rate of 5.0 US Gallons/Hour per Square Foot (SqFt.), to the exterior face of the test specimen and its adjacent wall construction while simultaneously running a static air pressure difference across the test specimen (a negative air pressure difference which simulates a measured wind load that can be converted to MPH).
Product(s) to Utilize this Test Method on:
The ASTM E1105 test method would be applicable to any windows, doors, storefronts, window walls, curtain walls, skylights, and many other exterior types of cladding systems of a building.
ASTM E1105 Test Procedure(s):
Depending on product type, project specifications, and product ratings there are two test specific test procedures which can be utilized when performing the ASTM E1105 test method.
ASTM E1105, Procedure A – Water penetration testing is conducted at the project specified air pressure differential while simultaneously spraying water on to the exterior side of the test specimen (product) at the required rate of 5 US Gallons/Hour per Square Foot. The interior side of the test specimen (product) along with its adjacent construction is inspected for water intrusion both during and immediately after the test is completed. Testing Cycle Time: 15-Minutes.
ASTM E1105, Procedure B – Water penetration testing is conducted at the specified air pressure differential. There are usually four (4) test cycles that are performed during the test sequence unless otherwise specified. Each test cycle consists of 5-Minutes with the negative air pressure difference being applied and at least a 1-Minute period with the air pressure difference off in between the pressure cycles. On the exterior side of the test specimen (product) water is applied continuously at the required rate of 5 US Gallons/Hour per Square Foot. The interior side of the test specimen along with its adjacent construction is inspected for water intrusion both during and immediately after the test is completed.
Testing Cycle Time: 23-Minutes
Note: Test time is assuming four, 5-minute cycles, with a 1-Minute rest period in between test cycles.
Performance Results:
After the completion of each test the test specimen (product) either meets (PASSES) the performance criteria outlined in the test method for water penetration resistance or does not meet (FAILS) the criteria. Simply put there may or may not be water intrusion that is observed during the test.
If Necessary, the Next Steps for Corrective Action:
If water intrusion is observed then there may be a need for a forensic water leak investigation so the project team can make a determination as to why the product or its surrounding construction is leaking. Furthermore, pending the discovery as to why the test specimen is leaking water to interior surfaces there is the next step (corrective action) which is for remediation by the product manufacturer and/or installer to correct the issue(s). Once the locations in question has been remediated the location should be retested as a quality control measure to check the effectiveness of the repairs.
Xpress Testing Service Regions:
We provide services throughout the United States but are equipped to provide more rapid service in California, primarily the big three cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.